Six Reasons to Use Privacy Film in Your Office

When many of us think of privacy film we might think of spy agencies protecting secrets.  And while those spy agencies probably use privacy film (and guards, and guns) privacy film is about a lot more than just protecting secrets.  In this article we’ll explore six reasons why you should consider using privacy film in your office.  And remember, it’s not just for windows, privacy film is a decorative film for any surface, including doors and glass panels.

Data Protection

While data protection is important on the Internet, it’s also important in your offices.  Privacy film keeps screens, whiteboards, and papers from prying eyes.  Some firms even have privacy film on their skylights: some data thieves are willing to use drones to get information that can be valuable to the competition or even out in the open market.

Employee Privacy

Many people don’t like feeling like fish in a fishbowl.  Privacy film restores a bit of personal space and reduces distractions.  Studies have shown that employees feel that privacy is less and less available to them.  One study in particular indicated that workers who had more privacy were more satisfied with their workplace and more engaged overall.

Vary Your Office Look

Let’s face it, we prefer to work in places that aren’t bland and uninspiring.  You have lots of different options with privacy film to integrate with your overall look and design scheme.  We aren’t just talking straight lines, either.  We can custom cut your film to fit almost any shape you need.  


Privacy film is a guard against graffiti.  Often the graffiti can be simply wiped off, or if not, the film can be replaced without having to replace a whole window.  That same film is a guard against scratches.

Privacy film is also often shatterproof, so if someone tries to break in, they won’t have an easy time getting in through a window with privacy film on it.

Lower Your Energy Bill

You can get film that is solar-rated to block out sunlight (and UV radiation).  This can keep the office cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.  This is a better working environment and can help keep costs down too!

Color Protection

You are probably also aware that sunlight can fade colors on furniture and other fixtures.  The material in privacy film can help prolong the life of your furniture and furnishings while still letting in light.  In fact, that’s a great advantage of privacy film: you can have the privacy you need while also still having the natural light that you want.  You don’t have to sacrifice light to get privacy.


Did you know that you can put privacy film on a glass panel in a conference room and then that panel can be used as a whiteboard?  Dry erase markers can easily be cleaned off glass.  Now you not only have some privacy but you can use that film for brainstorming and organizing.

You have lots of different directions you can go with your privacy film.  Tell us your needs and we’ll start working on meeting them!


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