The Wrap Agency

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Things We Love: DOGS!

This is part of an ongoing series highlighting things that the team here at TWA love.

So if you haven’t noticed, we are dog people.  I mean, we have a Director of Barketing and a Pawject Supervisor on our site (top that, competition!). It doesn’t mean we don’t love other animals too, but we have a special place in our hearts for dogs.  And this isn’t just at the office.  A lot of our team have dogs too.  So we wanted to tell you about them!

We gotta start with the boss.





Parker & Pepper

Our Client’s Dogs

We encourage our clients to bring their dogs by.  First off, we have Abby, who has a natural mohawk and belongs to Wes Dooley from TLC.  There’s also Fletcher the chocolate lab from Talons Reach Foundation where he is the Head of Puplick Relations, working with Founder and President Nick Jones.  Shout-outs also to Waffles, Winston, Lieutenant Dan, Molly, Brat (like the food), Sonar, and Miya.  We often meet these lovely creatures on our first site visits to clients.  We are big fans of shop dogs.

Emily, one of our designers, currently has a housing situation which doesn’t allow her to have pets, so she gets her “revenge” by dog sitting for all of us (and many others in Bozeman) when we are out of town.  She does an amazing job…actually maybe too good of a job because we think our dogs like her better…

If you’re reading this and we’ve failed to mention your dog, send us some pics or bring them in to say hi!