Want a Billboard? Wrap Your Box Truck or Trailer!


Billboards are all around us.  They are a great way to get a message out, whether you’re looking to sell something specific or build brand awareness.  But not all businesses can afford a billboard.  While one on a rural highway might cost $200 a month, one in Times Square might cost $20,000 a month.  So what if you could get the benefits of a billboard without the recurring monthly cost?  That’s where your box truck or trailer and our expertise come together!

Why Wrap a Box Truck or Trailer

One-Time Cost

While a billboard has a monthly cost associated with it, there are also the costs of designing the original billboard, then printing and installing it.  When you wrap a box truck or a trailer, everything becomes a one-time cost.  You will now get 24/7/365 advertising.

Unlike many forms of traditional advertising, you’re not going to have to pay for this based on estimated impressions.  You’re completely in control of how many people get to see your vehicles, and once you’ve done the wrap, the hard work is done.  Just make sure to keep the vehicles clean and regularly washed, and you’re good to go.

Multiple Surfaces

One way in which a wrapped box truck or trailer is an upgrade on a billboard is the fact that it can move, but more importantly, it provides multiple surfaces for you to reach people in every direction.  People will be able to see your message whether they are on your left or right, in front of or behind you.  

Screams Professionalism

You never get a second chance to make a first impression, and a wrapped vehicle gives that impression of professionalism.  Just like a brand new jacket or tucked-in shirt makes a good impression, so too does a wrapped vehicle.  It tells potential customers that you care: you’ve dedicated specific vehicles to company use and have taken the time (and money) to decorate them.

Get Around Permits

No one loves having to fill out paperwork for municipalities about potential signage.  And after you do all that work sometimes you can get them interfering in your design or just telling you “No.”  But what happens when you have a wrapped vehicle?  “Officer, that vehicle is just parked there.  It’s not a billboard!”  All joking aside, what’s great about wrapped vehicles is they are working 24/7: they don’t just get attention when they are moving.  They get the same attention when they are parked.

Solid Branding

Your vehicle will no longer blend in with other vehicles.  It’s going to stand out (in a good way) and what you’ll notice right away is people telling you that they see your vehicles everywhere.  You might only have one wrapped vehicle, but once people see it traveling in a certain service area or on certain roads, they will think you have more than one, which is great for customers who want a strong, reliable brand.


How to Wrap a Box Truck or Trailer

Don’t try this at home!  Just kidding, it’s not likely you have anything at home that could help you pull off wrapping a box truck or trailer.  Leave that to us!  But before we get started we’re going to need some thoughts from you as to what you’d like to see on the wrap.  Some design principles include:

  • Less is more when it comes to

    • Photos - one or two high quality photos are best.  It’s about quality, not quantity.

    • Colors - we want to focus primarily on your brand colors

    • Text - we don’t want to tell potential customers everything about the business

  • The best billboards are the ones you tell your friends about.  56% of Americans discuss a billboard they found interesting or funny.  You never tell anyone about a website and a brand name.  Be willing to try some creative ideas when it comes to your wrap.

  • Use a website name rather than a phone number (unless you have an awesome vanity number like 888-CALL-NOW...how did you pull that off?).  If people have your website, they can always find your phone number there.  The less is more principle applies: give people what they need to contact you, not more, not less.

One study has shown that over 58% of people have gone online as a result of seeing an “out of home” ad (like a billboard) and another has shown that more than 70% of people consciously look at billboards when driving. Time to get those numbers working for you! Drop us a line!


Proper Care & Feeding of Your Vehicle Vinyl Wrap


Quality Costs