Why is a Wrap a Good Investment?

Our name is The Wrap Agency so of course we’re all about wraps and know the benefit that people get from them.  But if you’re worried that it’s an expense that might not make sense for you, we’ve put together a few reasons why a wrap is a good investment.

For Your Vehicle

One of the reasons our clients come to us for a wrap in the first place is because they know the power of advertising wherever their vehicles are.  But consider that unlike a lot of advertising, which requires you to re-up regularly, or come up with new content and copy, this is persistent, consistent, long-lasting advertising.  We do the work of designing and installing the wrap one time and then you’re done (as long as you take care of your wrap properly).


A Customizable Option

If you’re looking to change the color of your vehicle but can’t seem to find the right color or design, a wrap is a smart way to stand out from the crowd and make your brand stand out clearly to potential customers.  A well-designed wrap instantly communicates what you do, how you do it, and how to hire you in a glance, and that’s not something that every form of advertising can offer.  It also means you don’t have to worry about color when shopping for a new vehicle…because the wrap will make sure that all your vehicles look the same!

Action Now

Depending on what you choose to highlight as contact info on your wrap, you can get customers to contact you right away, as soon as they see your vehicles.  The leads that come in from vehicle wraps are often highly qualified because they’ve in a sense seen a “mini ad” for your business and were then willing to go through the friction of making contact with you.  If you do a cost-benefit analysis to figure out how many random customers you would not have otherwise gotten this way, a wrap often pays for itself within weeks, if not days!

Hidden Savings

Vinyl wraps not only protect your existing paintwork from damage, but they also save you from having to repaint your vehicles (at a much higher cost) due to wear and tear and sun fading.  If you ever do want to redo or remove the wrap, you can take off the wrap with no damage to your vehicle.  These savings can only be realized if you’re having real pros do the work, and that’s why we have 3M certified team members to make sure that each wrap gets installed to the highest quality standards around! 

We’ve also had clients tell us that due to the number of leads that they’ve received from vehicles they’ve been able to reduce their advertising spend in areas that are less effective, pocketing those savings.

For Your Business

In addition to advertising, window graphics, whether for your vehicles or your business, can also provide a measure of privacy, again, at a relatively low cost.  Privacy film also comes with a lot of other benefits.  

Just as with a vehicle wrap, this is an investment that doesn’t take months and months of planning: we can get a wrap installed from design to installation within weeks, depending on the complexity of what our customer wants.

Practically speaking, a wrap design and install is also easily deductible as a marketing expense!  Not only does a wrap make business sense, but it also gives a sense of your business to outsiders: you’re professional and intentional about what you do and how you do it.  Best of all: you’re willing to tell the world about how you can help!

Thinking about investing in your business via a wrap (or two?)  Tell us more!


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